Emmett Brown

Emmett Brown or “Bemmett” since Sam Fast gave the name to him in sixth grade, thoroughly enjoys watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs with his father, Roy; mother, Maria; and sister, Selma. A fun fact about Emmett’s family -  they currently live in the house Emmett’s father built almost 20 years ago. Emmett's favorite color is basic red. He loves it because of the “rich” tone. He has a few favorite things in life, and one of his favorite foods is grilled homemade pizza, specifically made by his mother. 

If there were one item to describe the last year of Emmett’s life, it would be a Chevy “Stroker” 383. It doesn’t fight him and accepts all the shenanigans he throws at it. If Emmett had $5 million to spend on anything in the world, he would spend it on a nice house out in the country, as well as a long shed for the tens to hundreds of cars that he would buy with it. If given the opportunity to have any superpower, he would choose infinite money. More money equals more cars, and more cars equal more happiness. 

Although his favorite subjects are science and astronomy, he plans to attend DSU for information technology to become a computer technician. With that degree, in 10 years, he sees himself living in the country, married to the love of his life, and having a grand ol’ time. Coincidentally, along with his involvement in computers, if he got into media production, specifically YouTube, where he would make Minecraft redstone tutorials. He has a sure idea of how his life should go, but he gives one piece of advice: "At the end of everything, none of us are going to make it out alive, so the little things aren’t worth worrying about.”