Ethan Roling

Ethan Andrew Roling was born on March 14, 2004, in Madison, SD. His family includes his younger sister and brother, as well as his parents. Ethan has lived in Madison his whole life, but if he could live anywhere for a year, he would choose the United Kingdom, which makes sense, as he wants to travel to the United Kingdom and Las Vegas. 

One fun fact about Ethan is that he likes to have the newest technology, but also has a love for old tractors. When it comes to new technology, Ethan has a special place in his heart for phones. He sees himself working at Verizon because “he loves phones.” If Ethan was given 5 million dollars, he would buy a fancy house, a brand new Tesla Model S Plaid, and of course, the latest and greatest technology.

His favorite character and show are Spongebob Squarepants and he also likes the movie, Hocus Pocus. Ethan is afraid of spiders, roller coasters, and public speaking. Ethan’s advice for others is, “I recommend keeping track of your personal banking account.”