Grant Haselton

Grant Carter Hasleton first came to Madison with his seven other family members from Sacramento, California, when he was 10-years-old. Since moving to Madison, he has become a lifeguard, which he finds extremely rewarding since it is low-maintenance and involves activities that he enjoys. He has found a passion for writing in his English classes. In addition to discovering his interest in writing, Grant has also found himself in an ongoing discussion with a classmate in regard to the morality of themes from the novel Frankenstein.

Grant has various other interests including swimming, reading, playing video games, and baking. These interests often tie in with his favorites, such as his favorite food, which is his homemade pizza. Grant’s favorite color is blue, his favorite subject is English, and his favorite movie is Monty Python and the Quest for the Holy Grail. In spite of the extensive length of the series, Grant recommends reading the Wheel of Time book series, which he says is his favorite, but while he enjoys books and movies, Grant claims that he would rather be himself than playing any characters from his favorite pieces of literature. If Grant had a superpower, he would want the ability to modify matter, so he could create interesting new gadgets for himself.

Next year, Grant plans to go on a mission for his church before ultimately attending Brigham Young University and pursuing a career in a field that allows him to express himself creatively. He plans to take his current passions and transform them into a career that will serve him for a lifetime.