Chase King

Chase King is an 18-year-old who enjoys drawing in his free time. When asked about his hobby, Chase said, “drawing allows you to use your imagination the most.” Chase’s imagination is clever and creative; he sometimes likes to imagine worlds in his mind. When asked what he would do with five million dollars, Chase said that he would buy a cheap apartment and open an art studio to showcase his amazing skills. Chase would love to live in Japan because of the opportunities and the incredible art Japan has to offer. Chase’s family includes two brothers, two sisters, and his mom and dad. 

Chase has other interests than drawing. He states, “I base my life off Tyler Durden,” a character from the movie Fight Club. However, if he were to play any character, he would choose Driver from Drive because “he drives cars and is a cool guy.” Similar to driving and speed, Chas would love to possess the superpower of super-speed. 

Chase has a bright future with many opportunities thanks to his intelligence and motivation. Chase plans on attending college for animation and in ten years, hopes to have a successful art studio. He doesn't quite know what his future entails, but he hopes for a happy, healthy life.