
It’s that time of year again. Everyone is frantically looking for the right prom dress or tux. That’s the really easy part of prom. However, not everyone knows what to expect going into their first prom. So, with a little help, here are things you should do and should not do when it comes to prom. 

You are going to be spending a lot of time in your article of choice that night, so do wear something that makes you comfortable and also makes you feel confident. As the saying goes, confidence is key. However, don’t spend too much time stressing if it is the right outfit, if you like it then wear it. 

Don’t worry about having a date. Having one is not necessary-  go with friends or go by yourself as long as you have fun. However, if you do have a date, take some time to have fun with your friends, you will want to have memories with them. Date or not, make sure you get your tickets-those are one thing you do not want to forget. 

Make sure you talk to your friends in advance, so you aren’t last minute trying to figure out where you are going to take pictures or if you even are going to take pictures. 

Also, make sure you have plans for what you are going to do after prom. Will you be heading to after prom or getting some late-night McDonald’s with your friends? Make sure you get everyone on board so you guys have a game plan. 

Lastly, just have fun, you don’t have a prom every day. So enjoy the time you have there.