
When you talk to someone, you can tell what kind of character they are. Skyler Sargent, a beautiful soul with a kind and bubbly personality, is very approachable and easy to talk to. She is audacious and loves taking risks. After reading this, I hope you will be able to see what a wonderful person Skyler Sargent really is. 

Skyler has five people in her family: her mom, Jodi;  her dad, Brandon; and her younger sisters, Chloe and Evie.

She is adventurous. Exploring and meeting new people is something she loves to do wherever she goes, and she would recommend you do the same any chance you get. Skyler draws her inspiration from the quote, “I travel because I’d rather look back at my life, saying,’ I can’t believe I did that instead of ‘if I only had.’” - Florine Bos. Skyler is someone everyone could look up to, and a great leader in life. She knows how to have fun, and she knows how to slow down and enjoy the life provided for her.

She is courageous and enjoys talking to new people.  Skyler wants to be a nurse anesthetist and communication is needed in that field and line of work. She is more than capable of achieving her goals. Skyler wants to go to college at Grand Canyon University located in Phoenix, Arizona to enjoy the hot weather. 

Skyler Sargent has her whole life in front of her. There is no doubt in my mind she will slow down, and take the time to enjoy every second of it.