
Not many 17 year old’s are capable of fixing cars on their own. Dylan Joseph Lee Litz may not be able to write out the problem, as Mr. Bierschbach has informed him that he has the worst handwriting in the grade, but he can surely prove his skills hands-on. Instead of being told how Dylan enjoys tinkering with cars until they run correctly. Even though he may not have a bucket list started yet, he certainly has a long list of cars he would love to buy in the future.

When Dylan isn’t fixing cars, you can find him playing the tuba for the Madison High School band or watching his favorite NFL team, the Steelers. He doesn’t technically have a job, however, his dad has a construction company so he has a job whenever he is needed. Although it may be tough to find time for all of these responsibilities, one thing is for sure, he doesn’t waste his time eating. Rarely would you see Dylan eating out, and if you do, he’s probably eating a grilled cheese sandwich, chicken strips, or cheese pizza. Dylan says, “I eat so that I’m not hungry.” A food that describes the last year of Dylan’s life would be a popcorn kernel. His world has changed so suddenly just as a popcorn kernel popping.

The ability to teleport anywhere, anytime would be Dylan’s most wanted superpower. South Dakota winters are good enough, but if he had the ability to live anywhere for one year, he would go to the tip of Alaska. During that year he would spend his time mainly snowmobiling and doing other winter activities. He would plan to stay away from thin ice however, because drowning is one of his biggest fears. His phone is one thing he claims he cannot go without, but living in Alaska would definitely take his mind off of it.

While he isn’t a big movie fan, The Interview is his favorite among the movies he’s watched. From a character standpoint, he would enjoy playing Burt Reynolds from Smokey and the Bandit, because he drives his favorite car of all time. If Dylan could pick an endurance show to be on, he would like to give Wipeout a try. Currently, he is watching Ozark. He loves the trending show, and says, “it’s definitely one of the best.”

Dylan lives in town, but he spends most weekends at his cabin on Lake Brandt. He spends time with his two siblings and parents often. After high school, Dylan plans to attend School of Mines in the Black Hills. While there, he wants to major in physics and minor in astronomy. As much as he loves space, he has no desire to go there. Instead, he hopes to someday pursue a career in Astrophysics at Eros Data Center. Ten years from now, he sees himself living back on the east side of the state, hopefully married and living on a lake.