Senior Spotlight: Chris Reece

On the surface, Chris seems like an average student who plays football and runs track for Madison High School. He favors gym class because he does not like the work involved in common academic classes. Although he does not do poorly in his classes, he does not find core classes to be that fun.  Once you get to know him though, he has many more interests that are quite compelling. Two major things that Chris enjoys are hunting and fishing. These activities play a big role in his life and quite honestly make him who he is. If you were to ask Chris what he would like to do over the weekend, he would probably answer by saying fishing or hunting. One of his top items on his bucket list is to take a trip to Canada to hunt and fish. He also shared with me that if he could live anywhere, it would be Alaska or Canada, due to the impressive wildlife. 

 When asked what content he would upload if he were given a YouTube channel, obviously enough he responded by saying, “Hunting and fishing content.” Chris shared with me that he relates to Kevin Hart the most out of all celebrity figures. Why?  “Well, because he is funny… and short!” 

 Chris plans to go right into the workforce following high school graduation, with possible plans of college later. His hard work in school shows that he could work just as hard at a job right after high school. When looking ten years from now, Chris hopes to see himself living in a nice house with a truck and boat.  Chris may not know exactly where his future will lead him, but when he gets there, his unassailable persistence will ensure success.