Lillie Howe

Lillie Howe has lived in Madison her whole life. She lives with nine of her cousins while her biological siblings live in Huron, SD. She doesn’t have any nicknames as she is proud of her own name.

Lillie enjoys watching the show Vampire Diaries. Her favorite book is The Girl Who Was Supposed To Die by April Henry. Lillie’s favorite color is black because it is associated with many different animals. There are many things Lillie likes to eat, but spaghetti is her favorite.

The one item that Lillie couldn’t live without is the wallet she got from her aunt who passed away. Lillie also enjoys psychology because she likes to “figure people out.” England sounds like the perfect place Lillie would want to visit for a year.

Finally, Lillie recommends going on college visits because they are fun,  and you find what’s right for you.