Blake Johnson

Blake Lee Johnson has lived in Madison his entire life with his parents and two brothers. While some MHS seniors are more than ready to hit the road, Blake plans to stay around town. Even though Madison doesn’t have a Taco Bell or as many restaurant options as he would like, it does have his family and closest friends. 

Family is very important to Blake. He enjoys spending time wrestling, hunting, and fixing cars with his dad and brothers. Along with being close to his immediate family, some of his fondest memories come from family reunions with his extended family. Blake's favorite part of each reunion is a very competitive bean bag tournament. While partners are randomly assigned, he says, “If I were able to pick anyone for a teammate, it would definitely be my dad”.   

 Blake works for Kesteloot Excavation and enjoys meeting new people and having fun with the crew. He doesn't only enjoy the people he works with, but he enjoys the work itself, "I've been around heavy machinery my whole life. It comes quite easily to me". This natural talent for machinery extends to fixing cars as well. At the age of 14, Blake received his first truck and by the time he was 15, he had completely fixed it. To further his skills, he has taken numerous AG classes and by the end of this school year, he will have taken every single AG class offered at Madison High School. 

Blake’s future plans will begin immediately after graduation when he ships out for basic training to Fort Lenord Wood, Missouri. After attending basic, he intends to return to Madison, live with friends, and work. Down the road, he hopes to have his own house, dog, and family.