Madison Central is accepting applications in our Food Service Department for the following: Full and part-time positions @ $16.00 to $16.50 per hr depending on the position. Full-time Assistant Director of Child Nutrition @ $17.50 per hour. With full-time employment, we provide an excellent benefits package option of fully paid health & dental insurance and South Dakota retirement. Visit our website at for application information.
over 1 year ago, Madison Central School District
The Madison Central School District webpage is under construction! Thanks for your patience! 7/18/2023
over 1 year ago, Madison Central School District
We are accepting applications for an Assistant Director of Maintenance JOB GOAL: Assistant to the Director. Provides a high level of maintenance for all school facilities and grounds. QUALIFICATIONS: General ability in cleaning and minor repairs. Heating and cooling are helpful but not necessary. We provide an excellent benefits package of health & dental insurance, sick leave, vacation leave, personal leave, and South Dakota retirement. Starting pay is $18.50 per hour with a $1.10 night differential after 3:00 PM. Applications can be found at
over 1 year ago, Madison Central School District
Good evening, Reminder: tomorrow, Wednesday, May 3rd is a scheduled early dismissal for Madison Central School District. Thank you, and have a good evening!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
This is a reminder that there is no school in Madison on Friday, April, 7th. However, we will be having school at Madison Central School District on Monday, April 10th. This will be one of our snow make-up days! Thank you
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
UPDATE: Middle School Oral Interp meet scheduled for tomorrow, Saturday, April 1st in Brookings has been canceled.
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good morning, with the current pending forecast for freezing rain and ice this morning and snow and high wind this afternoon, No school today for Madison Central, Saint Thomas, and Madison Christian. And Madison Central students, regular snow day, NO online learning today.
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good evening - Additional School Announcement - Middle School Oral Interp Meet in Arlington is canceled for tomorrow, Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good evening, we will be on time tomorrow morning, Wednesday, March 15, 2023. Country route buses will run where possible. Please be in contact with your route driver for pickup points if roads are not passable or if you will be bringing your kids in. Thank you for your help!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Madison Central, Saint Thomas, and Madison Christian will have a 2 hour late start tomorrow, Monday, March 13, 2023. Country bus routes will run where possible. If your roads are impassable or you will be bringing your kids to school, please be in contact with your bus driver!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good afternoon, with the forecast for tomorrow calling for snow and wind - especially in the northern part of the state, the Mad Voices trip to the Center Stage Jazz Fest in Aberdeen HAS BEEN CANCELLED.
almost 2 years ago, Michael Ricke
Good morning, with the forecast calling for heavier snow fall this afternoon, Madison Central, St. Thomas, and Madison Christian will have an early dismissal today Thursday, March 9, 2023, at 12:15 pm. Lunch will be served at Madison Central prior to dismissal. Have a great day!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
City Of Madison. STREET CLOSURE NW 9th St from West Ave to Highland (Hwy 81) Starting Wed, March 8th it will be closed until further notice Text STOP to end
almost 2 years ago, Janel Guse
City Of Madison. STREET CLOSURE NW 9th St from West Ave to Highland (Hwy 81) Starting Wed, March 8th it will be closed until further notice Text STOP to end
almost 2 years ago, Janel Guse
Good morning again, 2 hour late start 3/1/23. Country Route buses will run where possible. If you have roads that have filled in and are impassable, or you plan to bring your kids to school, please contact your bus driver or the bus shop. Thank you!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Wednesday, March 1, 2023 - Good morning, we will have a 2 hour late start today for Madison Central, Saint Thomas and Madison Christian.
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good evening, Madison Central, St. Thomas , and Madison Christian - 2 HOUR LATE START on Friday, February 24, 2023. Buses will run where possible on plowed roads only. If your road is impassable or you will be bringing your kids into school, please contact your bus driver.
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good afternoon - Lets get the obvious announcement posted. NO SCHOOL tomorrow, Thursday, February 23, 2023, for Madison Central, St. Thomas, and Madison Christian. Madison Central students will have another Distance Learning Day on Thursday. Thank you and have a good day!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Kindergarten Registration Please complete the form below to provide the Madison Central School District information about your child's enrollment in kindergarten in the fall of 2023. Kindergarten screening will take place later this spring. We will contact you to schedule a date and time.
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District
Good afternoon, with the pending winter storm forecast, school is cancelled for tomorrow, February 22nd, for Saint Thomas and Madison Christian. Madison Central students will have a Distance Learning Day tomorrow. Thank you and have a good evening!
almost 2 years ago, Madison Central School District