Callie McDermott

Callies Roberta Rae McDermott, also known as Callie, daughter of Christa and Mike McDermott and younger sister of Cooper McDermott, was born in Sioux Falls, SD, on October 10, 2005. She lived in Atlantic, Iowa, for 12 years, then moved to Madison, South Dakota, to be closer to family. If you give Callie 5 million dollars, she’ll go shopping, help her family with student loans, debts, etc., and save the rest. Something you may not know about Callie is that her favorite color is periwinkle, her favorite food is spaghetti, and her favorite T.V. show is Grey’s Anatomy. You could find Callie at Bethel being a CNA (Certified Nursing Assistant); the thing she likes about her job is helping the residents there. A hobby she loves is volleyball because it comes easily to her. “I recommend playing sand volleyball, because it's fun and relaxing, and you don’t have to think about it.” Callie fears heights, but it doesn’t stop her from completing her bucket list. On the bucket list, she wants to go scuba diving and she wants to travel to Italy. 

One thing Callie can’t live without is her phone because it has all her memories on it. Math is Callie’s favorite subject because, if she can get the right answer, it makes her feel proud of herself. Callie says Sandy Cheeks from Spongebob Squarepants best describes her because she likes how she lives, and how she does her own thing. Callie says she would most likely have teleporting as a superpower because she always thinks she is busy, so it would be easier for her to get around better and faster. If Callie could play any character in a movie, it would be Princess Belle because being a princess would be fun. Callie would have a large TikTok platform, so she can talk about her shopping hauls and about her PR. 

If Callie could live anywhere in the world for a year, she would live in Hawaii because she likes the warm temperatures and she likes the culture. After high school, Callie plans to go to Southeast Tech in Sioux Falls to get her LNP ( Licensed Nurse Practitioner), work for a bit, and then go back and become an RN (Registered Nurse). In 10 years, she sees herself engaged or married, thinking about kids, and being a well-paid nurse. She also wants pets, either two dogs and one cat, or one dog and a cat. “The advice I have for underclassmen is always be grateful. In the long run, your grades don’t matter, so just have fun!”