Kassidy Lawrence

Kassidy Mae Lawrence or “Kassie Mae,” as her grandpa would call her, is a 17-year-old student here at MHS. She has lived in Wentworth for roughly three years now with six of her family members. Coming from New York, she says, “The people here are friendlier,” then compared the forests between towns in New York to the fields of South Dakota. While she’s not certain what comes next, Kassidy would like to visit Ireland or even Oregon because, as she put it, “I sorta just miss living on the coast,” and who could blame her?

She is very interested in the finer things in nature, saying she’d like to become a biologist so she can study what she calls “big scary animals.” What might not surprise you is Kassidy's love of the arts. Her favorite is drawing or painting birds in her preferred style of realism. Most simply put, “I just like animals.”

A fun fact about Kassidy is that she loves to have spaghetti on her birthday; “I’ve had it every birthday since I was five.” Her favorite color is blue. She also values a solid schedule, stating that her agenda is very important to her. Some major items on her bucket list are scuba diving, traveling abroad, and whale watching, adding, “A humpback whale would be the coolest to see.”

Lastly, Kassidy has this to leave behind for the next generation of high school students: “Don't sweat the little stuff…enjoy it while it lasts, you don't have to figure it all out now…Prioritize making connections and experience for yourself, always!”