Taylor Swift

The Last Great American Dynasty is one of Taylor Swift’s more unique songs. Taylor wrote this song about the true story of the previous occupant of her Holiday House in Rhode Island, Rebekah Harkness. The story starts with Rebekah marrying a wealthy man, Bill, who was the heir to an oil chain. They had a big wedding and hosted fancy parties, then Bill ended up dying from heart problems. Rebekah inherited all of this money, and the locals around the Holiday House couldn’t stop talking about how crazy and mad Rebekah was. Rebekah was at the top of her game and was hosting huge parties; she flew her friends in from the city. Eventually, Rebekah started changing and was seen pacing the rocks near the beach. On one occasion, she stole her neighbor's dog and dyed it green. Then, Rebekah just disappeared. At this time, the song's perspective switches to Taylor Swift and how she bought the house. The song ends with a chorus of “I had a marvelous time ruinin’ everything.”