Lethal Company

Lethal Company is a cooperative, multiplayer horror game released on Steam in 2023. It was created by Zeekers, an independent developer who had previously made two other horror games.

 On its surface, the game is straightforward; ‘The Company’ hires you and a group of up to 4 players to take a spaceship to one of 9 planets and you have a few days to collect anything of value and deliver it to ‘The Company.’ If you don't meet your quota, you are “fired” by being thrown out of the airlock of the ship. 

The game becomes challenging when you realize ‘The Company’ is secretive. Every facility you enter has up to nineteen possible entities that can spawn in. However, getting all nineteen at the same time is impossible. At least one player has to get back to the ship safely with all the collected items. If everyone dies, it's game over. 

Some of the entities are passive but most of them will try to kill you. You can use some of the money you gather to buy helpful items; but, do this sparingly as you still have to meet your quota. 

The game is still in the alpha stage, so the story isn't complete, but from what can be seen, ‘The Company’ has a very dark secret. All of the facilities are abandoned and filled with monsters, seemingly put there or even created by ‘The Company’.

Overall, I give Lethal Company a ten out of ten for its creative enemies and the slapstick, Scooby-Doo humor that seems to be created every time you play. I highly recommend checking the game out for yourself!

Photo source: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1966720/Lethal_Company/