senior profile

Georgianna Ruth Kolbeck, more commonly known as Georgie, has lived on her family farm near Madison her entire life. Georgie expresses one of the most colorful personalities in 12th grade, and showcases her vibrant nature through participation in choir, All-State Choir, MadVoices, FCCLA, NHS, and her favorite, theater. She explains that “the reason I love theater is because I like to pretend that I’m someone else, and I can forget about my own life and create a character on stage.” 

To match her personality, when asked what cartoon character best describes her, Georgie said a Minion because “they like yellow, bananas, are energetic, and often wear overalls.” The Minion-like attitude that Georgie brings into her everyday life helps her simply enjoy life and provides her the energy to have fun anywhere, like her daycare job in Howard. One thing people might not know about Georgie is that if given the chance she would live on her great grandpa’s farm in Sweden with the beautiful countryside.

Georgie’s biggest fear is being unhappy in life, whether that’s in her job or at her own home. So she is planning to pursue a career in the area she loves most- science. Georgie plans to go to a college nearby Madison and become a biology teacher. 10 years from now, Georgie sees herself living a happy life as “a mom with a kid, married to a breadwinner and being the best trophy wife.” Georgie’s words of wisdom to underclassmen are simple yet vital when becoming an adult: “Don’t be stupid- it’s permanent.”