Taylor Buthe

Taylor Nadine Buthe moved to Madison in second grade from Harrisburg, SD. Taylor, or “Tay-slay,” as her friends call her, is the middle child of two brothers. Her free time is spent with friends, watching Netflix, working at The Office and Plato’s Closet, or procrastinating on homework. If she could live anywhere for a year, she would spend her time backpacking across Europe simply because she wants to see it. Only two things in life scare her: spiders (or bugs in general) and germs.

Taylor’s favorite color is orange, and her favorite foods are pasta and boneless chicken wings -- emphasis on the boneless chicken wings. Her phone is the item she couldn’t live without, saying, “I know it’s shallow, but so much is on it.” Her recommended movie would be How To Lose a Guy in 10 Days because of Matthew McConaughey. When asked if she related to him, she said, “No, he’s just hot.”

If Taylor could repeat high school, her first change  would be to take easier classes. After high school, she plans to study architecture because she loves buildings and art. It is an 8-year program, so in 10 years she plans to be fresh out of college. A few things on her bucket list are visiting Asia, traveling to all continents (except Antarctica), and finding a job that makes her happy.