Abdul Harrath

Abdelrahman Youssef Harrath, also known as “Abdul” to those who struggle to pronounce his name, is a kind and outgoing individual. He has not always lived in Madison. At the beginning of this year, Abdelrahman moved to Madison with his family from Bahrain, an island in West Asia situated on the Persian Gulf. When asked what he misses about his old home, he said he misses his friends, coach, and school. When asked his thoughts on Madison, Abdul states that he likes the friendliness of the people and the beautiful views of South Dakota.

As an avid soccer player and former league player, Abdul enjoys playing this sport in his free time with friends and family. Abdelrahman says that he finds that soccer, as well as other sports, comes easily to him. Math is another strong suit of his and is his favorite subject in school.

In ten years, he sees himself as a professional soccer player, having his dream car, and eventually living off grid. Before all that, however, he plans to go to college to study physical therapy and play soccer. When asked if there is anything that he’s afraid of, he responded with, “I am afraid of losing.” When asked if this hinders him, he said “No, it pushes me.” His advice for freshmen: “Enjoy your time with your family, make the most of your time, and work hard.”