Senior Spotlight: Thomas Seppala

Thomas Edwin Seppala was gifted into this world on August 7, 2001. He is 18 years young and lives in Madison, South Dakota. Thomas has a large family, consisting of both of his parents and 6 siblings. Some people would refer to Thomas as an “adrenaline junkie.” He is very passionate about his second amendment and enjoys blowing things up *safely* with Tannerite. A dream of Thomas’s has always been to go skydiving over an archipelago in the ocean. 

When asked what food item best describes the last year of his life, Thomas responded, “a potato because I didn't do much.” Currently working at Sunshine Foods in his hometown, Thomas is very skilled with his hands. When the school year comes to a close and Thomas graduates, he plans on proceeding with his military combat medic training. Eventually, he plans on going to a tech school to pursue a career as a paramedic to apply his hands-on skills. 

Although he claims a majority of the high school curriculum will never be used outside of a classroom environment, a life lesson that Thomas Seppala has learned from school is to work smarter, not harder. If Thomas had 5 million dollars to spend in 5 days on something other than himself, he would spend it on his girlfriend.

Thomas enjoys the outdoors, hence his favorite color being green. If he could spend one year living anywhere in the world, he would choose to live in Alaska for the scenery and big game. The preferred superpower for Thomas would be super-strength, as it would be useful in everyday life. Having great taste in music, his favorite music artist is Frank Sinatra. If Thomas could be on any endurance show, he would compete on Survivor. When asked what animal he would want to be and why, Thomas responded: “A mongoose, they are tough and eat cobras.” Being the handyman and hands-on guy that he is, an item that Thomas could not live without is his pocket knife. Though he is somewhat uncertain where life will take him after high school, he will certainly have an exciting future.