The END of Carson Corner?!

The world is a dark place.

Well, depending on how you look at it. In my humble opinion, I believe the world grew just a tad lighter on the occasion of the publication of the first Carson Corner article in this esteemed newspaper. 

Carson Corner was a revolutionary news source - current news, delivered to you through the candid and wonderfully unabashed commentary of Carson Hunsley, senior at Madison High School. The series was praised not only for educating the masses, but also for presenting the melancholy, often depressing events of our world in a cheery and optimistic way. 

But alas - Carson Corner may have met its demise.

What could end such an innovative series, you ask? What could strike down the germination of such a strong, witty, and exceedingly educational news outlet? How could this be?  you ask, your confidence wavering, your concern for the very foundations of your country growing with every second.

The unfortunate truth is that fear of judgement - that powerful, all-encompassing fear that characterizes each and every waking moment of a high schooler’s life - has taken Carson Corner from the world. The sharp knife of a short life, indeed. Our dearest Carson, a man who has brought joy into the lives of countless others with his light-hearted and clever commentary, fears the judgement associated with the limelight, and has unofficially stepped down from his position as the star of Carson Corner.

But let us not despair. Perhaps, in the end, this is a valuable lesson to all of us. It takes true bravery to show yourself to the world, especially as openly and honestly as Carson did in Carson Corner. It takes an even deeper courage to be yourself on a day-to-day basis, especially in high school. So, even as we mourn the loss of Carson Corner, we can rejoice in the individuality every person brings to the table. We can appreciate every soul, regardless of age, gender, IQ, or creed, and respect their opinions. We can take in the world around us - digesting the smorgasboard of events crammed down our throats by news and media outlets with a grain of salt … or perhaps a grain of unfiltered, ingenuous Carson-esque humor. 

Carson Corner may be ending, but the spirit the series embodied - open honesty and unapologetic truth, plus an unwavering sense of optimism toward the doom and gloom of our current sociopolitical landscape - will live on. As the creator of Carson Corner, I thank you, the reader, for your understanding in this dire time. I also challenge you to do your best to carry out the underlying message of Carson Corner, and atone for its disappearance from this Earth. Be kind. Don’t judge others, especially not for dissenting opinions, or for saying something you may not agree with. Be proud. Have open and honest conversations with neighbors, coworkers, friends and family. Most importantly, never let the fear of judgment hold you back.

And maybe, if we all endeavor to meet that goal - one day Carson Corner will be back.

For now, any concerned reader may bring their lamentations and qualms to me, CC Graham, or Carson Hunsley. If and when the need arises, a petition can be created to show Carson how much the people want this news outlet to continue.

Until then, this is CC Graham, creator and now eulogist of Carson Corner, signing off.